News, insights and inspiration, a gift from us to you
Starting a social media channel for your brand is easy. And in the first few heady hours after doing so, you might even find yourself brimming with ideas for posts and filled with excitement about the possibilities.
The short answer? Yes. The slightly longer answer? More than ever, customers expect robust customer service via social media, and the best way to ensure you’re delivering it is to create and follow a clear plan for it.
You poured your heart and soul into a 1500 word diatribe on the relative benefits of one product versus another the week before, and now you’re eagerly logging into Google Analytics, expecting to see a torrent of new visitors.
What?!*! Why do so few commercial insurance brokers effectively use social media to increase sales?
The use and importance of digital marketing for Wealth Managers has for years been one of those subjects that floats around the senior team’s agenda without really landing. As such most organisations have done something digitally (website as a minimum) and flirt with digital channels as time allows.
Insurance broker usage of social marketing has significantly increased over the past year – the Covid effect maybe?